Lucia Napoli

Monday, November 06, 2006

Interpretaciones con L'Oreal

Publicado en Adspirant 6 de noviembre de 2006

Por primera vez en la Argentina, un movimiento que se viene dando en varias capitales de la moda: seis modelos, seis peluqueros, colores primarios, figuras geométricas y el prestigioso fotógrafo Machado Cicala representan las tendencias de la primavera-verano en “Interpretaciones”.

El look y el estilo emergen para generar la fusión entre la arquitectura de la moda y las formas de colores primitivos con un toque chic étnico y geométrico dan vida a esta nueva forma de generar tendencias: a través de las Interpretaciones de la colección. Utilizando los Geometric Colors, los peluqueros debían diseñar colores y peinados, que a su vez fueron acompañados de famosas marcas de ropa.

Para estas interpretaciones, se basaron en los
productos Majirel, según L’Oreal un sinónimo de perfección, rigor y glamour; la identidad con una mujer de gran status, fuerte y demandante. Es una tendencia novedosa parecida a un laboratorio, donde se mezclan los colores con las figuras geométricas, se barajan formas, y se alcanzan uniones que parecen contradictorias, con un único fin: generar una colección nueva y atractiva para la primera y verano 2006.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

La Publicidad nos mira

Publicado en 5 de octubre de 2006

Caras, ojos, miradas, sonrisas, muecas, gestos, empapan nuestras calles y reflejan portarretratos. Han decidido vendernos un celular, un jean, un lavarropas, escondiéndolos detrás de algún personaje de moda. Dan por sentado que sabemos de qué se trata. Quizás sea un pacto secreto entre el creativo y la sociedad, dejando implícito el slogan, donde la imagen prevalece sobre las palabras. La publicidad, sobretodo la gráfica, inunda nuestra realidad, mientras que las miradas de modelos encandilan con sus sonrisas. Caras, ojos, miradas, sonrisas, muecas, gestos, empapan nuestras calles y reflejan portarretratos. Han decidido vendernos un celular, un jean, un lavarropas, escondiéndolos detrás de algún personaje de moda. Dan por sentado que sabemos de qué se trata. Quizás sea un pacto secreto entre el creativo y la sociedad, dejando implícito el slogan, donde la imagen prevalece sobre las palabras. La publicidad, sobretodo la gráfica, inunda nuestra realidad, mientras que las miradas de modelos encandilan con sus sonrisas.

Las gráficas ya no sólo están en las paredes, sino que cuelgan de edificios, nos rodean en la paradas de los colectivos, de los taxis, dentro del subte, del tren, en los baños de los bares, crecen cual yuyo... y por suerte -y por ahora- todavía no traspasan las paredes de nuestras casas.

No hace falta que salgamos a la calle para darnos cuenta de esto, prendé el televisor, y verás bailar, correr, cantar a alguna chica y/o chico para que después te cuenten que no podes seguir sin tomar esa gaseosa o andar en ese auto. Aunque en los tiempos que corren no nos demos cuenta, es parte de nuestra vida. Qué haríamos sin ella en el viaje en colectivo de más de 20 minutos al trabajo o en la sala de espera del dentista. Muchas veces nos sorprende sonriendo con los ojos clavados en ese cartel de la avenida, o comentándolo al encontrarnos con un amigo. Sí, es ella, la mal llamada “propaganda”, que evocamos con agrado relegando de vez en cuando el producto o la marca. Es la misma, que hasta los gobiernos se empeñan en quitarla de las autopistas porque son las causantes de nuestras distracciones. Podrán ser un tic del creativo, pero el hecho es que nuestras miradas continúan entrecruzándose con las de las gráficas. Tanto en Buenos Aires o New York, en Madrid o Tokio, seguirán habitando nuestras ciudades.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

9/11 starts new era

Published at The Shield
September 12, 2002

A year has passed of that day that we would not be able to erase from our memories, we will remember what we were doing that moment when we found out that the first plane crashed into one of the Twin Towers and most of us thought it was just an accident. There is no doubt that the attack was against Western civilization and the capitalist system.

We all lived during the 90s in an era called "Globalization." Some people thought at the ending of that decade that it was "The end of history" as Francis Fukuyama named it, or the "Clash of Civilization" would start as described by Samuel Huntington. All this because of the end of the Cold War. There is now a new tendency of thinking that the new century has started on September 11, 2001.

One of the ways to understand that some things are changing is getting closer to an airport. There are more guards, more interviews, and more delays because of the security.

Other way is to see how the agenda of Bush's Administration have change, he started the foreign policy declaring an "Era of the Americas", and that is not happening. Instead, United States is getting into a unilateral way of behaving, and this is not bad if you think of it as a protection of their interest. And one of those interests is taking Saddam Hussein from power.

This interest is not being shared by the whole World. Last week some countries, like Germany and Saudi Arabia, showed more disbelief and dissatisfaction than support.

In some cases, the reason is economic problems, domestic politics, and disapproval of the USA's foreign policy and their treatment of the International law. The United States does not count with the International Coalition as they did after September 11, and that is why they should decide if going on unilaterally or multilaterally, and this will be founding some solutions at the United Nations Security Council.
Now the international scenario is different but there are some problems that must be resolved, and at the end will help to finish with terrorism. These problems are the poverty in many countries that host terrorist and allow the cells of terrorist groups established their bases. Nevertheless, hunger and poverty in the Third World must be resolved, not only because of terrorism, but focusing on the needs of populations suffering in undemocratic societies than on the authoritarian regimes that governs them. However, there are some leaders trying to loud their voices to uplift impoverished nations like the United Nation Forum in South Africa last week.

Peace always looks the hardest way of resolving problems in international relations, let us hope that this time war is the last tool leaders choose to fix world problems.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Full eclipse moon

How to label a night that has a full eclipse moon outside my window? As a gift. That moon that has so much of me is hiding, giving me the best picture one could ever ask for.

I read this would not happen again until 2008, and that we, South Americans, should enjoy it since we have the privilege of this unique moment.

Would I be able to remember this night in four years? Would I be alone, would I be happy, would I have reached some of my dreams by then? As I have learned, some questions do not have answer right away; we need to be patient. Not one of my qualities.

May be I needed to stop searching and enjoy the moment. Smoking a cigarette and listening to music while this moon observe me. My room is dark; a tiny candlelight allows me to keep writing. Meanwhile, a dark shadow is taking my moon away from me. There is something about this satellite that capture me, makes me dream, fly far away from my own realities.

In some minutes this performance will be over, and the moon will disappear like the sun behind the sea. Other amazing act of nature, but doesn't resemble to this one.

There it is, a bronze coin showing up in my window making this city mysterious. This scarlet bright coin seems to be shining for me.